10X Visium - Human Lymph Node

Whole transcriptome analysis, Human Lymph Node



10x Genomics (2019)
93.98 MiB
4037 × 15493

Used in


10x Genomics obtained fresh frozen human lymph node from BioIVT Asterand. The tissue was embedded and cryosectioned as described in Visium Spatial Protocols - Tissue Preparation Guide Demonstrated Protocol (CG000240). Tissue sections of 10 µm thickness were placed on Visium Gene Expression Slides.


dataset is an AnnData object with n_obs × n_vars = 4037 × 15493 with slots:


Name Description Type Data type Size
feature_id Unique identifier for the feature, usually a ENSEMBL gene id. vector object 15493
feature_name A human-readable name for the feature, usually a gene symbol. vector object 15493
counts Raw counts sparsematrix float32 4037 × 15493
dataset_description Long description of the dataset. atomic str 1
dataset_id A unique identifier for the dataset. This is different from the obs.dataset_id field, which is the identifier for the dataset from which the cell data is derived. atomic str 1
dataset_name A human-readable name for the dataset. atomic str 1
dataset_organism The organism of the sample in the dataset. atomic str 1
dataset_reference Bibtex reference of the paper in which the dataset was published. atomic str 1
dataset_summary Short description of the dataset. atomic str 1
dataset_url Link to the original source of the dataset. atomic str 1


10x Genomics. 2019. “Human Lymph Node.” https://www.10xgenomics.com/datasets/human-lymph-node-1-standard-1-0-0.